Wczoraj miał być spokojny dzień, ale wyszło inaczej. Zobaczyliśmy przede wszystkim korektę w górę na rentownościach obligacji (rosły zarówno realne rentowności jak i oczekiwana inflacja), silną korektę na złocie oraz umocnienie dolara. Dziś czekamy na inflację w USA. Solidna niespodzianka w górę może pogłębić wczorajsze tendencje.
Rosyjska szczepionka
Celowanie inflacji w ujęciu średnim
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | Average-Inflation Targeting and the Effective Lower Bound
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve cut the federal funds rate to essentially zero. It took further measures to support the functioning of financial markets and the flow of credit. Nevertheless, the economic downturn is putting downward pressure on inflation, which had already been running below the Fed’s 2% target for several years. This raises additional concerns that inflation expectations could decline and push inflation down further, ultimately hampering economic activity. A monetary policy framework based on average-inflation targeting could help address these challenges.
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Are financial crises demand or supply shocks? | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal
A perennial and fundamental macroeconomic question is whether financial crises are negative demand or supply shocks. This column discusses how the response of international trade flows and prices to financial crises can shed light on the debate. Evidence based on a new dataset of two centuries of financial crises and trade suggests financial crises are clearly negative shocks
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